Yesterday Randy made some comments on his personal twitter we have put them all together here:
*All the kids r safe. My nephew is a GREAT kid. Sad that the media has to pick on a 13year old for their own gain.
*As I said, I must unite my family, evident by this most recent issue @ my family home.
*Was handled correctly, no harm done. Allegations 90% false, fabricated by evildoers covertly trying 2 separate my family from the inside out
*Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon
*A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that calld TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain
*Oops – Did I say ‘her’… ?
***After reading this and watching Jermaine's interview is like we said before, we were waiting for one of them to talk about it and once again we can see is the media making up stuff, Like always they are making things bigger than they really are**
We invite all the fans to stay focus on the family and always wait for their reaction when things like this happens they always talk to us the fans,and like Jermaine says always"DON'T BELIVE THE MEDIA"
Jermaine Jackson is currently in Europe promoting he will be doing some interviews for the local radio and TV. he visited Australia and Amsterdam these past days, also it is confirmed that The Tribute Concert is NOT CANCELLED!! it will be in August and it will take place in London. At the moment he is in London..
Also Jermaine was interview by Dutch TV and he talks about the incident with his son.