
Mj Fans Launch Aerial Attack on Doc Murray..

Michael Jackson's most loyal fans are taking to the skies in order to send a message to Doc Murray and the plan is set to take flight the next time Murray is set to appear in court

A group of fans have raised $1,250 to fly an airplane banner over the L.A. County Superior Courthouse between 1-2pm on April 5 ... when Dr. Murray is next scheduled to show his face.

The sign will read "We demand justice for Michael Jackson" and the group is so fired up about it, they've already sent out a press release with a Photoshopped image of what they think the scene will look like.

The same group of fans are also raising money to buy Katherine Jackson a bouquet of 100 roses for additional support ... as well as a locket for Paris Jackson's birthday on April 3.

(Courtesy of www.tmz.com)

1 comment:

  1. Nice site. I am so proud of us, MJFAM...I think we are making a difference in what happens in this world. We are fighting to get justice for Michael..but we are going to get some laws changed. No one should be persecuted because of someone else's opinion. Not long ago, some priests were found guilty of being pedophiles. The media showed them as innocent, anyway. Michael was charged with the same crime,he was found innocent, but the media portrayed him as guilty anyway. Now time has passed. I think all this took its toll on Michael, if he could have had some peace maybe he could have rested. He would not have needed Diprivan Likewise, now the problem of the priests has now gone all the way to the Pope...whom they are now trying to overthrow. All of this could have been avoided if the media had not been able to judge them. The priests would have served time, and there would probably be no drama on the Pope. Michael would be dancing and at peace...not stressed to death. Main Stream Media has hurt many people. I hope that we, MJFAM will be able to change that.
